
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Seasons of Stillness Winter isn't something I "do" often.  Living in Nevada lets me plant flowers in October and watch them bloom in January.  I appreciate this about my life.  However, there is something magical about white snow covered meadows, icicles hanging off...

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Tenaciously Pursuing Your Dreams

Tenaciously Pursuing Your Dreams

What Do You Want? How do you go about making your dreams come true? How do you take something from an idea to done? We can tenaciously pursue our dreams by creating a clear vision of what we want. Fully image it happening. Let yourself see it. Feel it. Smell it. Hear...

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Take a Wild Ride Past Your Comfort Zone

Take a Wild Ride Past Your Comfort Zone

Transitions can be scary Choosing to change means moving out of our comfort zone and into unknown territory. Back in 2006, I found myself in a precarious spot. I was ending a 30 year marriage and letting go of every familiar thing in my life. No more home where I'd...

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Enough Already

Enough Already

HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH? We live in a culture of ‘never enough’. There’s never enough time, never enough money, never enough help, never enough resources, never enough... At different stages in life this philosophy can seem especially true. It often feels like there just...

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What’s Right with you?

What’s Right with you?

Where is your focus? I believe we spend a lot of our time focused on the wrong things. We are so worried with what is wrong with us that we don’t see all that is right. We look for the broken places in us that need worked on. We worry about our weaknesses rather than...

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FOBA – part two

FOBA – part two

FOBA Part 2: Feeling Lonely vs. Being Alone Each of us has our own unique view of the world. It can appear loving, abundant, and kind. Other times, it fills us with scarcity, isolation, anxiety, and the fear of being alone (FOBA). Loneliness is a very real issue and...

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FOBA – part one

FOBA – part one

FOBA: Fear Of Being Alone How comfortable are you spending time with yourself? How about an extended period of time? I’m curious: What’s the longest period of time you have ever spent alone? I’ve read several things about FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) but I think a...

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Mind Monsters

Mind Monsters

Is Your Mind Full of Monsters? Do you remember going into those haunted houses at Fall festivals with distorted mirrors and scary monsters that popped out from hidden spaces? Sometimes my mind is a lot like that. It creates these distorted images of who I am supposed...

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I wrote this a couple years ago based on a personal experience which really opened my eyes and brought personal growth in my life.  I want to post to post it here as a reminder to myself and others let those layers get peeled away and keep growing. I feel like an...

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